Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Quelle Surprise!!

So My Therapist Says (when he phoned this morning) that he would like to meet - no charge - to wrap things up.

I said I would check my calendar and walked from the bedroom, where I'd been folding clothes and had the phone next to me, to the kitchen (where the calendar hangs on the wall). He asked, "Are you just being glib? Or are you really checking your calendar?" I thought I had issues. I assured him I was, in fact, making the trek to the kitchen to check the physical calendar hanging on the wall. I also explained that this is Forensics season and that I sometimes have obligations related to judging that make Fridays a little dicey. That was a lot of explanation for "Let me check my calendar", I think. It sounds a lot like most of the break-up conversations I've had, in fact. Everyone is one jab shy of unleashing a lifetime of pent-up recriminations and analyzes every sigh and crossing of the legs for signs of a fight. Oy gevalt! I was checking the friggin' calendar already!

He also asked whether I had received his reply to the entry "Boundaries". I did. See the entry "Equal Time". I explained the moderating function for comments on the site and that I did not allow it to attach to the entry that tweaked him enough to reply. I explained my reason: That his anonymity would have been fully compromised. I also noted that I copied and pasted it verbatim in an ensuing entry so that he would be "heard". He was marginally horrified. He said it was For My Eyes Only. I think that rather defeats the purpose of replying to a Blog on a Blog. But there you go.

He asked if I could take down his commentary. I said that I would, but that it formed the basis for a subsequent entry - verbatim. He sighed, "Oh god..." and had to run right off to be with a patient. So we're on at my regular time this Friday at 4. I think it will be interesting. I'm going to do a little meditation avant-therapy to open all my chakras and be able to receive everything with an open mind. Who knows? I may yet decide that getting pseudo-schtupped for $110 an hour (fifty minutes, if you've been paying attention) is a great idea.

God knows no one else has offered.

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