We did a brief poll of our close friends and relatives who have either been or employed a
I have a cousin who stands about a quarter of an inch taller than the legal limit for defining a
He is, in fact, my favorite and only Uncle Dick. Uncle Dick was the uncle who taught us all the words for the female genitalia in the 2nd grade so we could wow our friends with our willingness to "go there". As Margaret Cho has noted about herself, Uncle Dick doesn't "go there", he lives there.
When his firstborn son came along, my cousin, his loins were bursting with pride and in a fit of hubris he named his first child after himself -- never suspecting what the future might hold for his bundle of joy. For no reason whatsoever and without ever giggling, church-going people tagged them as Big Dick and Little Dick. To this day, they are Big Dick and Little Dick. One is in his 60's, the other his 40's. Little Dick is no man's choice of nickname. But when Little Dick failed to progress past 4'6", the cruelty was almost too much to ponder.
Little Dick would be voted Most Likely To Patronize a
It left us to wonder, then, just what does it do to a man's ego when his Madame apologizes for having disclosed their relationship? We don't recall Heidi Fleiss ever having second thoughts about doing bidness with Charlie Sheen or the multiple other hotties to whom she provided

Apologies for sex are -- and should be rare. Only if you were honest-to-God bad at it, or one's hygiene measures failed, or your teeth, hair or boobs came loose in the process should an apology be in order when the sex is store-bought'n. Purchased sex is the Ugly Man's Prerogative and the Slutty Girl's Career Option. (We use the term "girl" in the unisex manner, as God intended.)
The Staff of "After Therapy" would like to thank those who participated in our poll and hope to someday erase from our memory banks some of the mental images burned into our collective consciousness in the process.
In conclusion, we also issue a call for the D.C. Madame to apologize for apologizing, believing apologies over sex do lasting damage to otherwise good people. We also demand that sex workers stop putting out for Republicans so that they are forced to cope with the uptight harpies to whom they joined themselves
We hereby launch a nationwide campaign and hope to soon have bumper stickers available: "No Pussy For Puritans...Save Yourself For a Liberal".

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