We introduce you to our newest (and only) contributor, Elphabah Hermberg. She initially thought it would be cute to go by "'Bah Hermberg", but we nixed that on account of our respect for Christmas and our office's location in the Bible Belt. You piss these people off and they shoot you in your kitchen or blow up your
We'll keep it simple: "Dearest Elfie..." Think of her as Dear Abby without the class. Ann Landers with a more pronounced lisp. Heloise - only not nearly as helpful. She's a social expert, of sorts. She'll take your societal dilemmas and spin them into bytes of advice that you could never repeat to your mother.
We'll add a picture of her as soon as we can convince her that eyeliner is not of the devil and that a little foundation covers a multitude of sins.
Until then... Watch this space for her occasional contributions.
Elfie can be contacted at DearestElfie@aol.com
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