We are blogging this afternoon from an undisclosed location to protect ourselves from Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), a Real Pro-America American who has called out the dogs on the rest of us. And yes, Mr. Limbaugh, this is all about race. As a white man, we are particularly embarrassed and incensed by the actions of white folks on the deteriorating right wing of society. So grab an Oxycontin and prepare to be - as we say in gay lingo - re-butted.
Bachmann, the temporary freshman Congresswoman from Minnesota's 6th District, told MSNBC's Chris Matthews that an investigation of Congress would be welcomed by the American people to separate the Pro-Americans and Anti-Americans. We couldn't agree more. We're even willing to dust off our law degree to assist.
We'd like to separate out the Anti-Americans in Congress who believe it's good practice and policy to divide people based on race, religion, gender, political leanings and sexual orientation. We'd like to weed out the Anti-Americans in the media who think it's acceptable to spew racist nonsense at people whose worst mistakes have been to shill for the Bush Administration (no small mistakes, those). And we'd like to cull out the Anti-Americans who can smile pretty and call fellow Americans "Anti-American".
As we paraphrase in Chickopee, "There ain't but two kinds of people in the world: Them what thinks there's only two kinds of people and them what don't." Until the McCarthy/Palin ticket recognizes this simple wisdom and adjusts its actions accordingly, we in Chickopee will be bunkered under where the Amoco station used to be. Unless you're from here, you won't know where to find us. We have a radio, though. We'll be doing Anti-American things like praying that America will elect its first African-American President and, in a single, profound moment, do much to heal history's racial wound. We'll be donating to El Tinklenberg, running against Michele Bachmann. And we'll be pondering just how much Joe Lieberman got in exchange for his soul.
And we'll be reconciling our own visceral inclinations with what we know of Bill Ayers. We know it's probably wrong, but we're beginning to understand the atmosphere in which the Weather Underground operated. Four decades later, in a time dominated by Anti-American divisions among racial, class and gender boundaries, we are beginning to understand the urge to blow shit to pieces. In a hopefully temporary time when help for the hurting is "socialism", endorsing someone who shares your race is "racism", and disagreeing with the lunatic right is Anti-American, we choose to identify as Anti-American and do not wish to be mistaken for one of those who capitulate to the politics of divide and conquer.
We may again be Real Americans on November 5.
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