This is After Therapy's first-ever political endorsement and letter to Santa Claus all in one: We would like to see Sarah Palin run for President as a Republican in 2012. There, we said it.
Since we have dedicated ourselves to the death of conservatism as practiced by Ronald Reagan and his ideological heirs, we can think of no one more capable of driving a wooden stake through the heart of the party than Governor Of A State With Less People Than Memphis, Sarah Palin.
We want the Republicans to run someone who has to defend whether or not she knows a country from a continent. We're jazzed about running against someone who spends weeks talking about who did or didn't want the fancy clothes. Bottom line: We didn't think they could do any worse than George W. Bush. And we were wrong. That well is deeper than we'd imagined.
Yes, we think Todd Palin is hotter than asphalt in a Tulsa summer, but that's in the second tier of reasons we support Gov. Palin for the Last Candidate Ever Nominated By The Republican Party. Mostly, we think that lengthy political campaigns should give us something to laugh at. And she fits the bill to a "T". What's better... A wide swath of conservatives thinks she's capable of being Leader of the Free World. We love it when movements implode under the weight of their own stupidity. This is like Christmas and losing your virginity all in one.

We also want to go on record as saying that while we think he won't - because he's greedy and unprincipled under that shiny, principled, I-Don't-Campaign-On-The-Sabbath veneer - Joe Lieberman should leave the Democratic caucus of his own accord and wallow in the oblivion he's earned. His last months in the Senate should be among his friends, not among the powerful Democratic majority on which he turned his back twice: When he said he wouldn't run if he lost in the primary and when he inexplicably campaigned against Barack Obama. The message to Lieberman: Keep facing that direction and remember all the good times on the Homeland Security Committee.
We are given to gloat around here. And we are given to grudges. Sarah, meet Joe. Joe... Sarah.
God, this is going to be fun.
1 comment:
Darling, you've done it again! I think the ticket should be "Palin-Liberman 2012!... To oblivion and beyond!" And not for nothing, your quick wit and sharp tongue are better than evah! BAR NONE!
David HKA
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