It was post-Lewinsky when Madame Vitter pronounced that if HER husband were ever found to have dallied outside her wide open legs and mouth, she would "cut his dick off". (Actually, she said, "I'm a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary Clinton." Same thing.) It's only Christian, after all.
It was only a few years later when Mrs. Vitter got the karmic "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" moment that we all knew would come: Her husband, Sen. David Vitter (R-of course) of Louisiana, admitted to a series of prostitutional encounters - including S&M and diapers. (We don't judge. We simply repeat.)
Mrs. First Lady Senator Secretary Of State Designee, Hillary Clinton, never dignified the wide-mouthed Mrs. Vitter's condescension with a response. She simply stayed with her husband, endured what life threw at her, and proceeded to become more rich, more powerful and more loved than Wendy Vitter. Plus, she never had to explain a photo like this:

God does look out for the put-upon, we think.
Come to today, when Mrs. First Lady Senator Secretary Of State-Designee Hillary Clinton's confirmation was voted on by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on which the presumably dick-less Sen. Vitter sits (gingerly, we're sure). How many votes against confirming Mrs. First Lady Senator Secretary Of State-Designee Hillary Clinton?
One. Guess who.
Looks like that whole sad Louisiana family has a problem. But like Martha Washington said at the first presidential inaugural ball, "Not getting caught at a press conference in a leopard print dress from Hookers 'R Us while your husband is explaining his hooker problem... is the best revenge."
Far be it from us to gloat.
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