Friday, November 07, 2008

This is Going To Get Ugly

Because we're Liberals and the only way we know to celebrate success is to eat our young, we will doubtless seize this opportunity to start a long, public battle royale among the Identity Factions. Black and Latino voters who voted by wide margins to nullify the marriages of 18,000 Californians have thrown down the gauntlet at Gay voters who voted by wider margins to elect the first African-American president.

Not that anyone's counting.

Don't think for a moment that this will be a flash-in-the-pan dust-up. This is the stuff of movements. While a majority of white voters supported Gay marriage - and Barack Obama - the Black community, especially, used the same rationale as its old white oppressors (Religion) to kick the Gay community in the balls.

If we know Gay folks like we think we know Gay folks, this ain't over.

There will be lots of calls to make nice and enjoy the Obama delirium. For a minute. But then we're going to need a long conversation about who's supporting whom...

And why not?

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