Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Things We Need To Discuss

Exit polls for The Associated Press found that Proposition 8 (California's constitutional revision banning gay marriage) received critical support from black voters who flocked to the polls to support Barack Obama for president.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Whom it may concern,

Being the "Poster Boy" for Gay Marriage, I am appalled and shocked at the back rolling of our achievement. I think this issue needs to be looked into and am looking forward to some educated discussion on it as far as human rights and privileges go. People are right when they say that this is not a marriage in the traditional sense of the word, but to us, it means even more. As a deeply spiritual gay man, I am certainly glad that President Obama will address this issue and make his recommendations so that we can be extended the same rights as heterosexuals enjoy, and not be pushed back into the closet of the 1950's like we would had John McBush and Bible Spice been elected.

Yours, HKA ~ David