Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And Still They Come

We never cease to wonder at the world-wide audience stopping by After Therapy to get their fill of our not-quite-daily fare. We welcome a handful more of the world's countries to our Big Blue Ball Network. Who says you have to be fair and balanced to get an audience? Pshaw!

Among the last 100 visitors to the site, we welcome domestic readers from California, New York, Kansas, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Missouri, Michigan, Indiana, North Carolina, Massachusetts, and Virginia (Lynchburg! - home of the Freshly-Minted Falwell Crypt).

From abroad, we were honored to set for a spell with readers from the United Kingdom, India, Austria, Finland, Malaysia, Spain, Canada, Germany, Japan, Belgium, Singapore, Indonesia, Germany, Taiwan, Portugal, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Colombia, and Estonia.

All told, 13 states and 21 countries were polluted with our product. That puts us a close runner-up to Exxon and Dow Chemical! We take full responsibility for the influence we have in the world. And we vow to continue our march toward world domination and the end of Ugly Betty. This is not a thing we take lightly. (Yes, it really is.)

We vow to be irregular and irritable from henceforth until we get tired of it. How's that for commitment? Until then, we thank you for stopping by. We would also like to ask any of our faithful patrons who have first-hand photos of the Falwell burial spot to please send them our way. We don't want to be forever debating this momentous event the way we do the Kennedy assassination or the moon landing.

Sometimes, dead should just be dead. Bonus coverage goes to anyone who has a photo of themselves doing a jig in a red dress next to the headstone. Mean? You bet. Karma is a bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget your loyal readers in Ft. Lauderdale,FL.
You make my day many times.